Thank-you to everyone who sent us nappies! We have had an overwhelming response to our appeal. We really did build a nappy mountain, follow us on Facebook to track the nappies as they reach Greece -
On behalf of CalAid, and all the people who rely on our services, I would like to say a huge thank-you for being involved we set the bar very high asking for 6 months’ worth of nappies and sanitary towels. You'll be pleased to know that we exceeded our goal for sanitary towels as we gathered about 90,000, that's about 12,000 more than we hoped for. The final count isn't in for nappies, but we reckon we have about 120,000, which is nearly 5 months’ worth. Additionally, we raised over £6,000 to pay for shipping and distributing the aid. So, all in all it was a hugely successful campaign.
Thanks so much from all of us here at CalAid and, of course, the mums, dads and babies of Epirus!